Same store sales Change:
YoY sales change in stores excluding new store openings and closings
All store sales Change:
YoY sales change in stores including new store openings and closings
*Note: Indications may vary by company.
e.g.)"+10% growth" is displayed as 110%, "-40% growth" is displayed as 60%, etc.
For a more detailed explanationWhat is Monthly Sales?
If same store sales is higher than the previous year, it is possibility that the company earnings is better than previous year.
Because the all store sales is included new store openings and closings, it is not easy to compare than previous year.
But it help us to keep track of overall sales.
Companies that publish monthly sales results may attract attention because investor can understand the condition of the company prior to the release of quarterly results.
(We will continue to expand the list of company which publish monthly sales results.)
月 | same store sales(%) | all store sales(%) | Numof Customer (same-store) | Unit Price (same-store) |
JAN 01 | % | % | % | % |
FEB 02 | % | % | % | % |
MAR 03 | % | % | % | % |
APR 04 | 105% | 106.3% | 100.2% | 104.8% |
MAY 05 | 107.4% | 106.4% | 100.3% | 107.1% |
JUN 06 | 115.9% | 114.3% | 107.3% | 108% |
JUL 07 | 100.3% | 103.9% | 93.6% | 107.2% |
AUG 08 | 106.8% | 109.8% | 99.9% | 106.9% |
SEP 09 | 105.5% | 108.5% | 101.1% | 104.3% |
OCT 10 | % | % | % | % |
NOV 11 | % | % | % | % |
DEC 12 | % | % | % | % |